Monday, 23 June 2014

New range of billet velocity stacks in stock

In the first batch of velocity stacks they where only available in a 50mm length. These completely replaced the previous rolled type for that size.

Now this has been expanded to 70 and 100mm, the difference is they will be offered alongside the existing range with the customer being able to choose either style.

Updated price list for every velocity stack length available:  


50mm - billet - $170
70 - rolled - $190
70 - billet - $230
100 - rolled - $220
100 - billet - $250
110 - rolled - $220, +$30 to machine edges to suit 20V bore spacing


30mm - rolled - $160
50 - billet - $170, +$50 for mod to suit OEM airbox
70 - rolled - $190
70 - billet - $230
100 - rolled - $220
100 - billet - $250
110 - rolled - $220, +$30 to machine edges to suit 20V bore spacing
150 - rolled - $250, +$30 to machine edges to suit 20V bore spacing

Only one set of 150mm left potentially for ever


 Blacktop 50mm

  Silvertop 50mm

  Blacktop 70mm

  Silvertop 70mm

  Blacktop 100mm

 Silvertop 100mm

Potential future product - Extended slave carriers

This is a part that acts as a replacement thrust bearing carrier, this slides down the guide tube inside a gearbox bell-housing to active the clutch.

Function and need of use: This is a necessity for any 4age to Supra / W5x gearbox adapter or to an Aisin J160 6-speed. This is due to a difference in length of the guide tube that the thrust bearing carrier slides down between gearboxes. Used as is these upgrade gearboxes can cause the carrier to fall right off the guide and lock the clutch in.

The traditional solution:  All other companies either choose to conveniently not mention this problem, supply a guide to be welded on or weld an extension on themselves for the customer. Apart from this the only option till now has been to buy a very expensive concentric slave cylinder kit which would need to be re-made to suit a 4age clutch and flywheel. Right now there is no off the shelf solution available at all.

Issues with the existing solution: There are a few concerns with the usual choice of welding an extension sleeve on, these are shown below.

 - The carrier and the sleeve need to be welded completely concentric and true to each other. The carrier has a bore machined to tight tolerances to be a nice compromise between not being loose enough to not bind up and tight enough to keep the grease in the internal cavity. Welding something to a fairly tight tolerance part is usually not a good idea. Welding is highly prone to warp one or both sides or pull one side so the extension is on a subtle angle. Welded wrong even if it still worked this would have more drag which would require more effort to possibly seizing right up on the guide, this could keep the clutch jammed in. 

- The original carriers have a built in grease trap in the form of a cavity inside the carrier. When extended this is moved too far out and would no longer function, and so leaving it with limited lubrication.

- The clutch fork isn't spaced out along with the extension and so it ends up being on a steeper angle to take up the difference.

Features / advantages of this proposed part: 

- Fully machined out of a steel billet to be near unbreakable but with material removed where it's not needed to keep the weight light.

- The tangs for the clutch fork moved in proportion so the fork ends up in the exact same position as before. If it where not for a new clutch being fitted the clutch pedal shouldn't even need to be adjusted from the previous gearbox.

- Extra long body for full support off the guide

- Built in grease trap, just like the original it has a cavity inside for the grease to sit in to keep it running smooth down the guide.

- Can be retro-fitted and works with every other adapter plate or custom bell-housing!

Predicted price and availability: 

These could be supplied individually or with one of the gearbox adapters that are in the works. No predicted price yet and they may be available in approximately 8 weeks.

Friday, 13 June 2014

4AGE to 6-Speed gearbox adapters (Altezza/MX5/RX8)

Proposed part: Who might be interested in an adapter to fit a 6-speed Aisin AZ6 gearbox onto a 7 / 4age engine?

What I am looking to produce and am currently investigating is an adapter that bolts to the block and then the original 4age starter motor and the new gearbox bolts to it without modification. A spare block has already been dialed up for the different bolt and locating dowel co-ordinates. Next up are the front halfs.

I wish for us to begin with the gearbox that's normally behind the 3SGE BEAMS powered Altezza. However pending on how things work out I would look at something to suit the Mazda MX5 and RX8 variants as well.

Price: As a rough guess these adapters might be around $400 with bolts, from there I could offer extras like transmission mounts, spigot bearing spacers, concentric slave cylinders and so on.

Wanted: Any of three Aisin gearboxs dead or alive - Altezza, MX5 or RX8. Send me a message if you have something to sell.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

New barbs, stacks, alternator mounts and potential 20V rear bypass housing design!

Lots of updates today, more images and information for each when they are available.

Update 1: Brass fittings

In the last post and a one previous some people commented they didn't like the look of the brass barbs which is understandable, so I not only listened but did something about it. The problem was every other option was very expensive and had a limited range but I found a very simple and now in hindsight obvious solution. I made some inquiries and have organised what I need to get all the existing and future barbs and plugs electroplated in black. The plating fixtures have already been designed and sent off to be cut. So from a few weeks time onwards there will be no more fittings out of raw brass. There will be no extra cost passed onto the customers.

Update 2:Videos!

Thanks to the machinist sticking a Go-Pro in the different cabinets I now have in my hands some footage of the billet velocity stacks being machined. Once edited this will be the first of hopefully a few videos to be put up on the new SQ-Eng YouTube channel. Some of the other videos I would like up there are things like product information and some in action dyno / flow bench footage as well.

Update 3: New billet velocity stacks

The new batch of CNC machined stacks have been made, this includes the new optional 70 and 100mm lengths. These still need to be cleaned and buffed so no photos or sales quite yet, but real soon.

Update 4: New alternator brackets

Exhaust side alternator mounts to suit 4A and 7A blacks have been done, they are now waiting for the black plating. In the meantime a prototype tension bracket is being cut.

Update 5: Potential new rear 20V bypass plate

Below is one proposed update for the bypass plate, this is the plate that bolts to the back of the head that's currently part of the 4age 20V rear wheel drive cooling kit conversion.

Just a few basic updates as the existing part already works flawlessly:

- More minimalistic design and therefore lighter. Aiming to get the whole kit under 1kg packed which is a big plus for my international customers paying for shipping.

- Supplied with both sides of the housing already tapped for outlets and each kit provided with 2 barbs and a plug. That way people can run the same housing with the heater or non heater kit and in either direction. Not sure about this one yet.

- O-ring rear seal instead of the usual gasket goo.

- Radii and fillet edges for a nicer more smooth look.

- Recessed bolts to give people even more clearance off what's already the slimmest kit on the market. I would probably go for cap head bolts instead.

Once again looking for peoples feedback, I will listen.

More images:

Monday, 2 June 2014

Potential future product - Universal 16V 4AGE Rear water outlet

Below is a 3D model of product that may be released in approximately two months if it's design and the machining cost are both proven to be good.

3D model of how this would be used with fittings and sensors

Suits: All 16V 4AGE engines

Problems with the original part: Between the different models of 16V engines there are three different water outlets that bolt to the back of the head. One of them is very bulky which isn't usable in small engine bays and all have a integral pipe out one side for the heater.

Even when using one of the OEM outlets work these can be over 30 years old and are no longer available new. With a steel pipe these are almost never in good condition.

New product specifications: This upgrade part here suits the same sensors but is thinner and designed to be a more universal alternative. Apart from the thickness and barb options this also has the advantage of using a O-ring to seal against the head instead of a gasket.

Barb options: In either side of this housing there will be a common thread size tapped, this lets people wind in and out what they like to suit their needs and change at any time. Here are some examples of what people can choose below.

- Right hand barb + plug: Suits your rear wheel 80s Corollas and Sprinters with the heater still in place

- Left hand barb + plug: Some cars such as the earlier Corollas don't have an external heater flow tap and need the water going in the other direction to usual. This saves using an ugly and problematic U-shaped hose.

- No barbs with both sides plugged: The easy way out for those who don't want a heater. Of note a heater core feed should never be bypassed as this becomes an effective radiator bypass, instead it should be blocked. With two plugs this outlet won't even be visible from the engine bay.

- Unusual options: There are other handy possibilities such as a right hand heater outlet and a left hand water feed for the cooling of a turbo's core. This provides a very neat and simple solution. A double barb for a heater and a riser tank or any other option people need. Different barb sizes will be available on purchase.

Predicted price: Yet to be determined, aiming for under $100 including new bolts and O-ring.

Additional photos:

Possible recessed bolt option, feedback wanted

Front view with right hand barb option

Rear view showing O-ring slot

Questions and Suggestions welcome